College ID camps are a great way for athletes to showcase their talents and get to know coaches on a personal level. ID camps provide players exposure to college coaches that they may not with their club or high school team.
1. Make Contact with the Coaches prior to Camp
A simple email is a great way to contact a college coach. It doesn't have to be a massive email: the shorter the better. Let the college coach know that you are attending the camp and interested in their university/soccer program. Give them a brief bio about yourself and attach any highlights.
2. Introduce Yourself to the Coach at Camp
In a lot of ways, college ID camps are like job interviews. Be confident and introduce yourself. College coaches have many different responsibilities during these ID camps, so make sure you go and shake the coaches hand and introduce yourself. It will go a long way.
3. Work Hard and be Positive
Any coach will tell you... they would rather take a hard working, positive, coachable player who may not be as skillful; compared to an extremely skillful player with a bad attitude (and work rate). Hard work and positivity are intangible.
4. Have Fun
MOST IMPORTANTLY... HAVE FUN. Don't stress on performing well at the camp. Yes, that is important; however, if you have fun then the likelihood of a good performance is very high. Concentrate on having fun and working hard and in return a good performance will happen!